Wednesday, October 29, 2014


The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save.  He will take great delight in you; he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing. Zephaniah 3:17

So, I don't want to have church all up in here, but this morning as I sat to write, it became obvious that today was not the day for the post I had planned.  And through these whole, now 21 days, I've worked hard to stay in the spirit with the words I share, because really, apart from me you can do nothing (John 15:5b).

Yesterday, after I posted, I began to clean my house while listening to some worship music (as opposed to talk radio which is what I usually do), and I kept seeing an image that I feel like I'm supposed to share with you all.  The image was of hands, wrapped in chains; like chains, wound around wrists, palms up, grasping onto the chains.  And I kept thinking, "just let go".  Just let go of the chains, they are not locked, YOU are holding onto them; from last week, from last year, for half your life.

It sounds so cheesy!!  And, I have to be honest, I feel super creepy and a tad crazy in sharing this.  But I KNOW this message isn't just for me, although I also know that I need to take this holy advice myself, almost daily, because I know I choose to hang onto some things that are keeping me from being who I am called to be.  Choosing chains.  What's that about?  But, if this image and these words resonate in your heart, then I'd look crazy again and again because I want freedom for you, as much as I want it for me.  Just let go.

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