Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Let's Just Eat Cake.

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.  Psalm 139:13

Recently, my husband and I were talking about what we were going to do for the evening.  I was excited about watching some show on TV that we had been watching...I can't remember which one off the top of my head, but I do remember also saying with a little bounce in my step "I love TV!".  He started to laugh and said "I don't think you can't say that, can you?".  Laughing we continued to talk about this topic, ridiculous as it is with all it's "lacking PC" and the social unacceptability of the statement itself.  These days it seems that if you're an intellect of any kind, you despise TV.  What's wrong with loving TV??  I do love TV, not ALL TV, but I do love it.  I also hate dogs.  Not ALL dogs, but most of them (sorry dog people, but it's true), and, I. Love. Cake!  So, what's wrong with that??

Another thing I really hate, are birthdays.  I wasn't always this way, although I've never loved them, but I think it's official, I hate birthdays.  Maybe it's not birthdays so much, but more the marked passing of time...included in this are new school years, for sure!  Although I love my kids (A and G), so very much, I hate to watch them grow up, hate to watch them get older.  They're going to be amazing grown-ups, but I hate that thought of one day they will not be within my grasp, that I cannot reach out and touch them whenever I want to, or need to.  Ug!  It makes me cry just thinking of that day.

I assume every mother feels this way, but I know mine stems from already knowing what this feels like.  Let me inform you that IT SUCKS!!  I know this because today, October 8th, 2014 marks the 6th birthday of our third child, Josie Faith.  We only got to have her within our grasp for 23 days.  She would have been a Kindergartner this year.  Oh how sweet, I can imagine, that would have been.

So, marked time, for this mommy, is an enemy.  The time that passes, each year, is one more year farther from that last bath, that last rocking her to sleep, that last sweet kiss on her super soft skin.  Or is it really one more year closer to eternity with our Josie Faith?  I suppose it's both.

Today, I love TV.  I hate dogs (not ALL dogs ; ).  And I love cake.  So today, let's just eat cake.      

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